Long Ridge Music Center has been specially designed as a facility for music study. Each acoustically isolated, spacious studio features large, sound-proof windows and is furnished with a new piano from Allegro Pianos with whom we share the building. Our 80-seat recital space, with a deck overlooking the serenity of the pond, is furnished with some of the best concert grands available for students’ performances.
WHY WE TEACH CHILDREN Our primary focus is on the sheer joy in music making. We love to be present and to help bring about a child’s mastery of his instrument - from the first do-re-mi to the jubilant recital appearance senior year - and beyond.
Helps early brain development.
Improves spatial intelligence.
Encourages creative thinking.
Improves standardized test scores.
Teaches empathy and compassion.
Teaches conscientious attention to excellence.
Teaches that sustained effort over time creates success.
Encourages working together towards a common goal.
Enhances self-expression and self-esteem.
Creates valuable skill sets.
Teaches the value of risk-taking.
An arts education exposes children to the incomparable.
Emphasis is placed on sharing the fun of exploration of our musical culture - an experience not often found elsewhere in our children’s busy schedules.
Music has the power of producing a certain effect on the moral character
of the soul, and if it has the power to do this, it is clear that the young must
be directed to music and must be educated in it. "
- Aristotle
WHY WE TEACH ADULTS We’ve had experience teaching students literally from 4 to 94! If you’re an adult who’s always wanted to play, or to resume a musical education left long ago, we welcome you.
Many adults would love to take music lessons but don't really know where to start. What instrument would I like to play? what style of music would interest me the most (classical, jazz etc.)?. At Long Ridge Music Center, we offer programs that do more than just encourage you to learn your favorite songs, but also help you understand how music is put together. Understanding the basics is an important step toward making music success easier. Whether it is for relaxation, personal enjoyment, or for a specific purpose, learning to play an instrument is a rewarding experience for students of all ages.